In the first place, we begin at the point where they write, produce books, and admonish that these subjects ought not be the occasion for rending Christian unity, love, and peace. It is a minor matter, say they, and an insignificant quarrel, for the sake of which Christian love should not be obstructed. They chide us for being so stubborn and obstinate about it and for creating disunity. Now, see here, my dear man, what should I say? We are in the same situation as the sheep that came to the watering place to drink with the wolf. The wolf went upstream, the sheep down-stream to the water. Then the wolf chided the sheep for making the water muddy. The sheep said, “How can I be making it muddy for you? You are upstream, and you are making it muddy for me.” In short, the sheep was forced to admit that he had made the water muddy for the wolf! So too with my fanatics: they have kindled this fire, as they themselves with all lordliness boast as a blessing, and now they would like to shove off the blame for disunity upon us. Who ordered Dr. Karlstadt to start it? Who ordered Zwingli and Oecolampadius to write? Haven’t they done it on their own accord? We would have been, and would still be, glad for peace, yet they were unwilling; now the blame is ours, of course! -Martin Luther
I think the fanatics have forgotten that the Lord's Supper is something done for us.They do not remember that it is his body given into death for our sin and His blood given and shed for us.The key is for us any attempt to say that we receive out of faith or any other doctrine is works and false doctrine.
Well said.
I like the words "Divine Service".I think people should ask:"What does this mean?"
God who comes in Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost to bring, give of Himself in His Word and Sacraments.
We are in the GREAT WEEK;"the great things wrought at this time by the Lord"...HOLY WEEK.
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