Christ converted no high priest, but their disciples were converted, such as Nicodemus, Joseph, Paul, and the like. The ancient prophets converted no false prophets. Paul, too, was not able to convert false apostles, but laid down the teaching: “When one has been admonished twice or three times, avoid him and dismiss him as a perverted man” [Titus 3:10]. So too the holy doctors have never converted an arch-heretic; not because they had not sufficiently opposed and confuted all the heretics’ errors with the truth, but their hearts were obsessed with their own fancies, and they fared the same way as the person who looks through a colored glass: place before him whatever color you will, he sees no other color than that of his glass. The fault is not that you have placed the wrong color before him but that his glass has a different color, as the same passage in Isaiah [6:9] also puts it, “You shall see,” he says, “and yet not see.” What is this but to say: It will appear before your eyes quite clearly enough for you to see, and others will see it, but you will not. This is the reason, says John 12[:40], that one cannot convert such people. The proffered truth does not do it. God must take away the colored glass; this we cannot do. -Martin Luther
Luther's comments here about converting (or not) false prophets, apostles, etc, is interesting -- I had not noticed that before.
Yes Ken,
I thought about this yesterday while I was driving. I was thinking of officials who make statements that are "not true" but because they are "public figures" they must persist in their error due to their position and office.
Too, their blinded hearts deceive them (i.e. Communist dictators and even people in democracies...Our beloved Paul tells us to pray for these officals and we do in our "service". The office of the ministry is one in which we confess CHRIST. In all of what I'm saying is, humility...Godly humility is the "oil", pride "hardens" the Heart. May Our Lord Jesus help us to see and know Him...
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