St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153)

In Heb. 13:7 we are admonished to look at the faith of the saints, not only at their works. Do this in the instance of St. Bernard, who does not assume that he will be saved by his chastity but by his faith in the Son of God. The pope, however, insists that we should look at the external life of the saints: what they ate, what they drank, and how they were dressed. Their faith he ignores entirely. And the vulgar ass calls such conduct a holy order! We older people know well what blind and deceptive things were preached, for the world was full of these. Today the young people know nothing about them. –Martin Luther
I like this one. Keep up the good stuff.
Mr. NJCopperHead,
Thanks for the reply.Hope ALL is Well.
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