Psalm 142

David fleeing from Absalom
Psalm 142, David flees on foot from Absalom, who with two companions, are on horseback, wielding swords...
Psalm 142
I cry to the Lord with my voice,
with my voice I make supplication to the Lord.
I pour out my complaint before him,
I lay my trouble before him,
When my spirit is filled with fear,
thou comest to my aid.
(That is, thou hast concern about what happens to me and what should happen to me).
In the path where I walk
they have placed a snare for me.
(The devil does that by means of evil thoughts, which fill man with uncertainty as to his fate and hinder him in his being and doing. However, we must commit this to God, who knows well what our course will be.)
I look to the right and watch,
there is no one who wants to know me.
(That is, the soul imagines that it does not belong in the
company of the blessed. Here where the blessed are, no one knows the soul. Now it would flee in an attempt to rid itself of this grief, but, as seen in the following, this is impossible.)
I cannot escape.
(That is, there can be neither escape nor flight, and I must remain here in my fear.)
And no man is concerned about my soul.
(That is what the soul thinks, and that is also what it feels; but for all of that, the soul must not yield and give way to such thoughts and feelings.)
I cry to thee, dear Lord
(since nothing else wants to comfort or is able to help)
and I say, “Thou art my refuge,
my portion in the land of the living.
(That is, everything tells me that I must die and perish. But I fight against that and say, “No, I want to live, for this I look to thee in faith.”)
Give heed to my lament,
for I am being greatly tormented.
Save me from my persecutors,
for they are too powerful for me.
Lead my soul out of prison
(That is, out of the distress and terror which hold me captive.)
that I may give thanks to thy name.
The righteous will gather around me
(to offer thanks with me and for me as a lost sheep [Luke 15:6])
For thou dealest bountifully with me.
(That is, rendereth me comfort in my need and help against evil.) Amen.
Sixth, it is necessary that one never doubt the promise of the truthful and faithful God. He promised to hear us, yes, he commanded us to pray, for the very reason that we might know and firmly believe that our petition will be heard. Thus Christ says in Matthew 21 [: 22] and in Mark 11 [: 24], “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you shall receive it, and you surely will.” Also in Luke 11 [: 9–13], “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. What son is there among you, who would ask his father for bread, and he would offer him a stone instead? etc. If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”
Such a person must also know Christ aright and know that only by him alone are all our sins paid and God’s grace given to us, lest he presume to deal directly with God and without this mediator.
But if the inner assaults should become more severe after this medicine, he should do nothing else but abide by the above advice. For this grave temptation is a good omen that this will soon end and that the devil is very nearly vanquished. He is merely making his strongest attempt now. Pharaoh, too, never persecuted the children of Israel as severely as he did toward the end. One can also see this in a physical illness. Just before the medicine begins to help and heal the person, it makes him extremely sick. Therefore this person should be hopeful and of good cheer. –Martin Luther
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