He Who Is Sent By God

Here we may feel prompted to ask: Although this text declares that he who is sent by God utters the Word of God, it often happens that many preach nothing but lies. How is this to be explained? In view of the many devils’ heads who do not speak the Word of God, our text must be mistaken. Take Judas, for instance. He was called directly by Christ, and yet he betrayed Him. In the Old Testament we find many similar false prophets. Caiaphas and Annas were also called directly, as it were, by God, since the priesthood was instituted by Him. They were not merely false teachers, but they even crucified Christ. At present the bishops and popes are occupying the seats of the apostles, but their acts run counter to those of the apostles. This would suggest the query whether it is true that he whom God sends utters the Word of God simply because he whom God sends has an office entrusted to him by God. Does John, with these words, wish to persuade and force me to hear and believe all that the pope or someone else who is sent says or claims? Then Christ Himself and the apostles would have been obliged to heed Caiaphas’ words. And Isaiah and Jeremiah would have been bound to admit that the chief priests taught correctly because they were sent.
To begin with, we must know that those who are sent speak the Word of God provided that they adhere to their office and administer it as they received it. In that event, they surely speak the Word of God. Christ said of the Pharisees: They “sit on Moses’ seat” (Matt. 23:2). Those who occupy the seat of Moses are sent, and you must listen to them if they preach what Moses taught. But if their preaching is at variance with Moses, if they digress from Moses and violate the command given them and do not comply with it, then you should not follow them. A king’s ambassador or emissary discharges his duty when he abides by his master’s order and instruction. If he fails in this, the king has him beheaded. Thus it may well be that a person is called into an office and occupies this office, but still is a scoundrel. A king demands that his order be executed and that one neither add to it nor subtract from it. We see that when a person is called, he is invested with an office. If such a person preaches in conformity with the duties of his office, that is, if he preaches the Word of God, on which the office rests, all is well; if not, then the words apply to him: “Beware of false prophets!” (Matt. 7:15). If he is faithful to his office and preaches the message of his office, then all is proper. Previously John had also said that man can do nothing unless it is given him from above (John 3:27). –Martin Luther
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