The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther

The Ten Commandments
The First Commandment
You shall have no other gods.
What does this mean?
We should fear, love and trust in God above all things.
O Holy Trinity, You have commanded us to have no other gods. Grant that we may fear, love, and trust in You above all things; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sal is back! Yeah!!!!
Pastor Weedon you are so RIGHT ON!I was traveling today and thinking of letting you know of my "return!" AND THERE YOU ARE! Your BLOG is so excellent! I love all of the qoutes you post and then you throw in an Augustine as well! I am searching and reading his Gospel of John- what a mind our Brother once had. I do see the neo-platonist influence but... I am in the wee hours also reading John Chrysostom on the Gospel of John as well. Actually others as well; comparing and seeing what all of these men are saying concerning CHRIST! It's amazing how Chapter 3 and "born-again, born from above" is all spoken about. I've spent much time in a work that is really "thoughtful": BOUND CHOICE, ELECTION, AND WITTENBERG THEOLOGICAL METHOD (From Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord) by Robert Kolb. As I was in SOUTH CAROLINA at the pool I worked through much of this masterpeice. Some how I got into Luther's Small Catechism and I thought TODAY, Proceed! Glory (doxa) to God!
P.S. Let us Proceed in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; Amen.
Good to see you got over your blog anxiety. I checked most days! I also smell a numbering controversy brewing.
Mr. WadeMan!
The pics Mrs. sent over were fantastic! Especially the one of your DOG! Please feel free to comment on the "numbering", I would love to read what you have to say.
I sure do miss the SOUTH! I was reading about the "War between the States" today! Man... how AMERICA is so far away from its struggles and History. Where are those who can speak and teach such things?
HEY! I was wondering, where you ran off too?! Glad to see you're back!
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